Friday, November 7, 2008

Friday's Led Primary - 7 Nov

Although the rain has started coming these few days, Kuala Lumpur is still hot. In fact, with the rain, the humidity increased. So, led class yesterday was like doing ashtanga in a sauna.

I must have won the prize as the sweat king in the studio. The positive thing from all this heat is Manoj managing to bind me in Marichyasana D on my left side! This is the side that was so far away from binding just a few weeks ago. I am stoked! Binding on this side has never happened before. Practice, practice and all will be coming. I was so tempted to stay for 10 breaths. However, the moment I thought that, my right elbow has slipped from my left knee.

I know I should be practicing detachment from this breakthrough, but I can't wait for class tomorrow!

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