Mixed feelings about today's practice. Today is the last of Mysore styled classes for me. One part of me wish I could stay on for another 2 weeks, but the other part is already looking forward to seeing family again. Two weeks is a short time, but at this stage in my life, it seems like the right duration. Maybe in years to come, I'll stay for one month, or even two!
These two weeks have been really memorable. Starting practice at 5am (4.45am in real time) was something I did not expect, but turned out to be such a blessing. After practice, the outside temperature is still cool and having a coconut after practice, perfect! Imran (I hope I spelt right) always serve the coconuts out with a quiet smile. And then, breakfast at my hotel's rooftop - really nice. But don't leave your plate unattended for a minute or the birds will be your breakfast friends.
So, only tomorrow's led class left, which I am really looking forward to. I wish there is someway adequate to describe the first opening inhale, but it's probably best to experience first hand.
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