Had my second day today. Quite like the idea of being the first batch to practice. The walk to the shala is so calming. No one is up yet - only us crazy people. Once I heard the sound of a motorcycle approaching behind me and I took a mental wager that it would be a yoga student. And it was!
Body was less stiff this morning - the binds on the Marichyasana D were easier, of course with Saraswathi's help. With less stiffness, comes with less strength - that was me this morning. Have to admit to dancing with Saraswathi when she came over to help with Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana. I was quite glad when I reached Navasana. Shala was full today and the heat was more than yesterday. I was drenched when I finished with Navasana. I think those practicing next to me were relieved when I left to do the finishing poses in the changing room. Quite happy that my mind was less scattered than yesterday. Did not notice any mosquitoes during downward dogs. Just during savasana, when one of them kept buzzing around my left ear - that was when I quickly ended my savasana with a violent slap to my ear.
Had my coconut outside. I think I was the first to finish today, no one was around. So nice to finish early - the air was still cool and when I got back to my hotel, the security guy was still sleeping in the same position as when I left earlier! No dozing off today while waiting for breakfast to start - although I did lose time a couple of times while reading my book. So far, I kept to a vegetarian diet (well, except for omelette for breakfast) - although I have been thinking of the gin and tonic I had at the Green hotel last year. Very nice. Maybe dinner at the Green hotel this Thursday, as Friday is moonday ...
Hi Chin,
I'm so glad you're sharing your yoga journey with us - Marichy D on both sides, hooray! I found your reaction to the 5am class really funny but it's obvious you're enjoying this break. Take care, Beth
Thanks, Beth. Hope your holiday in Labuan was enjoyable, too.
- Chin
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