Monday, September 8, 2008

A Monday Practice - 8 Sept

Slowly, I'm feeling more comfortable in practicing in this famous shala. I'm spending more time looking at my dristis, than at pictures that are hung around the shala. Today I could not touched my fingers in Marichyasana D on the left side. Well, it's Monday after all. However, when it came to the right side, I was surprised to get more movement from right shoulder to the left knee. It's still a long way off from binding, but it warranted a "very good on this side today" from Saraswathi. That will do for me :)

1 comment:

Beth said...

Sound like Mysore agrees with you. I expect that you were besieged by thousands of people after paying the rather large sum of money that gave your beneficiary a two week holiday. Our experience with Chamundi Hill was funny too as we climbed the hill twice and only realised we'd done it after several moments of wondering why the Hill looked so familiar!!! Don't forget Bombay Tiffany's where you can buy some treats. Anyway take care.
Love and kisses,